Let’s expand what we know.


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Science of Positivity

If you would like scientifically proven strategies to effectively guide you to authentic happiness and success and learn strategies for coaching your clients to resourceful personal well-being, positivity is transformational. Positivity, the intentional practice of being positive, optimistic and inspired, has been proven to transform lives for the better.

Hundreds of studies have shown that positivity actually precedes happiness, health, and wealth. Authentic positivity has a powerful way of producing tangible results which in turn sparks deep, internal motivation. This naturally creates a powerful spiral upwards for success, joy and overall personal well-being. This six-week class will explore positivity, identify tools and strategies, and discuss positivity coaching techniques and applications.

This course is taught by Laura Masters. Register through the Center for Coaching (CCC) by clicking Register Today.

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mBIT Coach Certification.

Did you know you that you head, heart and gut are all scientifically defined as brains?

mBraining and mBIT Coaching offers a powerful coaching model that creates lasting powerful change from the inside out. If you would like to amplify your coaching techniques, and effect transformative results by accessing, aligning and amplifying the intuitive wisdom from your client’s head, heart and gut brains, this class is for you. mBraining has been known to amplify the human spirit and help individual get in touch with and express their highest, most authentic selves in all aspects of their life.

“The Positivity Course was completely applicable to my life both personally and professionally. I loved learning about neuroplasticity and how we change the brain with positivity, and then our lives. Laura really cared about our learning and understanding of the material. She excuded positivity 100%!”

— Christie